Important Note: Oregon renters have the right to stop an eviction if they pay their landlord late rent, fees, or utilities at any time up until the end of an eviction trial. Learn more about Renters' Rights to Redemption here.
OHP Health Related Social Needs: qualifying OHP members may receive up to 6 months of rent/utility assistance, storage fees, or home changes for health/safety
OregONEligibility: centralized online application for Oregon's medical, food, cash or childcare assistance
Lifeline: free or discounted cell phone and data services for low-income Oregonians
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF): monthly cash for families with children who meet income requirements
Temporary Assistance for Domestic Violence Survivors: for a low-income pregnant person or a parent/guardian with a minor child who is at risk of domestic violence either now or in the future
Oregon Veteran's Emergency Financial Assistance Grant: a one-time grant for veterans facing emergency housing, medical, or transportation expenses, paid directly to the creditor. Contact your local Veteran Service Office (VSO) to apply.
Individual Development Accounts: Individual Development Accounts (IDAs) offer cash-matching for asset building to Oregonians with low to moderate incomes. Participants use IDA match dollars to leverage the power of their own savings in support of their financial goals. Match amounts and asset goals vary by saver, with timelines ranging from 6 months to 3+ years. There are three organizations providing IDAs in Lane County, and each have different eligibility requirements, waitlists, and goals they help save for. DevNW and St. Vincent De Paul offer support for rental housing needs. Goodwill also offers IDAs tenants can utilize, but not for rental housing related goals.
211info: call 211 or search their online database for financial assistance programs across Oregon
Lane County:
Lane County Homeless Prevention Programs: list of rent assistance providers and eligibility requirements
LIHEAP - Utility Assistance: info & waitlist for Lane County utility payment assistance programs
Electric Bill Assistance: list of Lane County electric providers who offer grants/credits for electric bills
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