(1) A landlord, from time to time, may adopt a rule or regulation, however described, concerning the tenant’s use and occupancy of the premises. It is enforceable against the tenant only if:

(a) Its purpose is to promote the convenience, safety or welfare of the tenants in the premises, preserve the landlord’s property from abusive use, or make a fair distribution of services and facilities held out for the tenants generally;

(b) It is reasonably related to the purpose for which it is adopted;

(c) It applies to all tenants in the premises in a fair manner;

(d) It is sufficiently explicit in its prohibition, direction or limitation of the tenant’s conduct to fairly inform the tenant of what the tenant must or must not do to comply;

(e) It is not for the purpose of evading the obligations of the landlord; and

(f) The tenant has written notice of it at the time the tenant enters into the rental agreement, or when it is adopted.

(2) If a rule or regulation adopted after the tenant enters into the rental agreement works a substantial modification of the bargain, it is not valid unless the tenant consents to it in writing.

(3) If adopted, an occupancy guideline for a dwelling unit shall not be more restrictive than two people per bedroom and shall be reasonable. Reasonableness shall be determined on a case-by-case basis. Factors to be considered in determining reasonableness include, but are not limited to:

(a) The size of the bedrooms;

(b) The overall size of the dwelling unit; and

(c) Any discriminatory impact on those identified in ORS 659A.421.

(4) As used in this section:

(a) “Bedroom” means a habitable room that:

(A) Is intended to be used primarily for sleeping purposes;

(B) Contains at least 70 square feet; and

(C) Is configured so as to take the need for a fire exit into account.

(b) “Habitable room” means a space in a structure for living, sleeping, eating or cooking. Bathrooms, toilet compartments, closets, halls, storage or utility space and similar areas are not included. [Formerly 90.330]


*Italicized words are defined in ORS 90.100.


Please Note: This page was last verified for accuracy on 10/24/2024. You may find the current text of Chapter 90 by going to the Oregon Legislature Website. Additionally, SETA is not a law firm and cannot give legal advice. The information provided does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice; instead, all information, content, and materials available on this site are for general informational purposes only. If you would like help navigating any resources, please call our hotline at 541-972-3715.